Harrison Gerard

2023The Sims 4 Kits*Illustration, Art Direction
2023Clockwork Revolution*3D, Branding
2023Bandle Tale*Illustration, Branding
2023FrancineGraphic Design,  3D
2022Ivy RoadBranding
2021Open RoadsGraphic Design, Branding
2020CrocodraculaGraphic Design, Branding
See also:

2023D&DIllustration, Writing
2022 —Little People3D, Illustration
2020 PathosGraphic Design, Illustration, Art Direction
2020 Fallen ObjectsGraphic Design, Illustration, Writing
2020ChapbookWriting,  Illustration
1997 —Assorted DrawingsIllustration
*With agency.

    Harrison Gerard is a graphic designer and creative* currently operating out of Oak Park, IL.

    *illustrator, 3d modeler, type designer, art director, copywriter, adjunct professor, baker, amateur seamster and 100 other hobbies that have been picked up and dropped off along the way.
    I’m an autodidactic, voracious, gay designer specializing in branding and storytelling. 

    I previously worked as the sole graphic designer for Fullbright Games on the project Open Roads, now published by Annapurna Interactive. I then moved in house at Skylight Collective, where I worked as a brand designer with clients like EA Games, Maxis, Riot Games and inXile Entertainment.

    I currently work as art director at Ivor Andrew.

    For freelance inquiries, contact me here.
    Find me at the last social media platform I have left.
    Or the worst website of all time :-)

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     © 2024 Harrison Gerard